Developed and released by Nsisn circa 2006, O2solo features a simple music list maker and buyable avatar items. Jammers can also choose speed settings of up to X8. Everything is in Chinese due to the client originating from O2 China. However, with the Chinese client, speed jammers would be able to challenge themselves with the X8 speed setting as opposed to Mo2's "revolutinary" XR.
Here's an idiot's guide on how to get O2Solo running:
1. After downloading and extracting o2solo, double click "O2JamSolo -We love O2JAM!, Night snow is sound nothing!-" (I know, I know, the English!) Make sure you transfer your o2jam music files (ojn & ojm) into the MUSIC folder, placed in the same folder as O2JamSolo.
2. Click on "Nsisn"
3. You may choose your nickname, level & gender in this window. Type 1 for male or 0 for female in the SEX "box". Gem, MCash and EXP are set at 10,000 by default.
4. Next, click File->Make Music List
(For first time users or every time a new song is added into your MUSIC folder)
5. Click Make and wait for a few seconds for 3 windows pop up. Press OK on all 3. Then press close.
The o2jam client only supports up to a maximum of approx. 367 songs. Any more than that and O2solo won't function properly.
6. Click on Let's GO and any of the buttons on the Run Solo window.
7. Input any Username and Password in the login screen and you're good to go.
-Next, bugs and known issues-
Malaysian O2Jam switch X8 to XR because X8 is too fast for many players and many of players suggested to change it at the forums.
The link is not working..
mind to upload it to a mirror?
Will update another link for o2solo as soon as possible.
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